About Us

About Us

We are one of about twenty Scout groups in the Cole Valley South district, within the county of Birmingham.

We are sometimes referred to by our group number – 100th Birmingham – but we generally prefer to use our local number – 1st Bournville – to reflect our close links with Bournville and the surrounding area.


Hi, My name is Ruth, and I am the Group Lead Volunteer at Bournville. I have been involved with Bournville Scouts since I started in Venture Scouts at 18 years old, when I came to Birmingham to go to university. I continued as a beaver leader, and then when my boys joined, I became Group Scout Leader (now Group Lead Volunteer). I help with whatever section needs me, as well as doing lots of background work. I kept my beaver name, so my scouting name is Rainbow. I have also been involved with Girl Guides all my life, from being a brownie to being an adult leader.


FBS Purples in action