Updating personal information

Once you have signed into OSM, you will be able to update the information we have stored for them. It is important that you regularly check that this is up-to-date, especially before any events. Please see the other page based on updating consents.

Contact Information

Updating contact information

We have two main sets of contact information: primary and emergency. You are able to have two primary contact details for each child; they will be used to contact you with information regarding the sessions, events, etc. The emails used for these contacts will be sent emails from OSM. The emails for primary contact will also allow you to log into our website (not yet launched).

For each contact, please provide the name, address, email, and phone number. For the primary contacts, you can also provide their relationship to the member. At the bottom of each box, you will be able to see when and who last changed the information. This should be either a parent or carer with access, or one of the leaders.

The member’s contact information is rarely used. You are not required to fill this out. It may be used in the older sections, but if so, there will be a clear explanation about why, and all contact will be within the Scout’s safeguarding policies.

Using contact information

As mentioned, the primary contacts are used to distribute information regularly. They will receive emails with information regarding events or other news from leaders.

During events, if more recent or relevant information has been provided, for example, on a permission to camp form, we will primarily use that information (this applies to relevant consents too). However, OSM is used during our regular sessions and events without its own information collection form.

When trying to get in contact with you, we may ask the young person who we are most likely to get in contact with. If we do not get through on the first phone number on record, we may continue calling different ones until we get through.

Medical Information

We ask for information regarding which doctors your child goes to.

During scouting, any medication must be handed to a leader. Where applicable, please provide information on how the medication is taken, how frequently, the dosage, and any other information. This is especially important on nights away. Older sections may be able to self-manage their medication, but this will be overseen by leaders, and medication must remain with leaders at all times.

Please provide all allergies. Including any medication they may have for their allergies, for example, any anti-histamines or emergency medication.

Some sections have consent options for common medications. Please see the consent page for more information regarding this.

Other Information

Please provide any dietary requirements, whether medical or preferential, and we will do our best to accommodate all young people. If you have any concerns about this, speak to a leader.

If you have any other useful information or additional comments, please provide them in the boxes available – no matter how small!

If you have not confirmed the information for a while or something has changed, you will be prompted to confirm the information is correct. Please double-check the information stored and confirm once you are happy.