Creating an account

When your child starts scouting, we will send an email to you based on the contact information already provided when signing up. This email should include a link that will take you to OSM. The log-in page will look similar to the screenshot below.

If you already have an account, you will be able to sign in like normal, and it will add them to your account. Otherwise, you will be asked to create an account. Once you have created an account, you will be able to access OSM, and each child will show up on the dashboard.

If you cannot find this email, please let a leader know so they can resend it. Links in emails from leaders will also allow you to create an account, for example, if another parent or carer who would like their own account.

It is important not to forward emails with these or other OSM links to other people, as it may allow them to add your child to their account. You are able to check who has access to your child’s OSM.

You may have numerous profiles for the same child on the left. This is information stored by different people within scouting. Please see the example of numerous ‘children’, with two for Joshua (one held by 1st Bournville, and another for Brumventure), then another profile for Mackenzie.